
Luxury Vehicles: Vehicles of the following makes, which are subject to a maximum aggregate warranty benefit of $5,000.00 over the term of the warranty: Acura, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Hummer, Infiniti, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lexus, Mercedes, Porsche, Saab, VW, and any vehicle with an original MSRP in excess of $150,000.00. Warrantied protection for chips or cracks…

Luxury Vehicles: Vehicles of the following makes, which are subject to a maximum aggregate warranty benefit of $5,000.00 over the term of the warranty: Acura, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Hummer, Infiniti, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lexus, Mercedes, Porsche, Saab, VW, and any vehicle with an original MSRP in excess of $150,000.00. Warrantied protection for chips or cracks…

Standard Vehicles: All other vehicles, regardless of age, except for those vehicles excluded below. Standard vehicles are subject to a maximum aggregate warranty benefit of $2,500.00 over the life of the warranty. Warrantied protection for chips or cracks to the treated vehicle’s windshield, caused by small rocks, stones or other propelled road debris. Warrantied water…

Standard Vehicles: All other vehicles, regardless of age, except for those vehicles excluded below. Standard vehicles are subject to a maximum aggregate warranty benefit of $2,500.00 over the life of the warranty. Warrantied protection for chips or cracks to the treated vehicle’s windshield, caused by small rocks, stones or other propelled road debris. Warrantied water…